Latest works
Ex Nihilo Ex Nihilo - Video Game
Dirty Merlin - Nightblind -
Visualmix - TRAVIEZA Visualmix - TRAVIEZ
Boiler Room San Francisco Takeover
Visualmix - Gay Felony Visualmix - Gay Felony
TIME TO PARTY Baseck - Time To Party
Experiencia Aural Chico Sonido ft. Rosella - Experiencia Aural
Videomix - Anaesthetik Anaesthetik - X.E.CUTE
DreamFruit Zero DreamFruit Zero
animated short film
i8i Infinite Scroll INFINITE SCROLL
Film from the i8i INFINITE SCROLL Exhibit
Remnant Liza Aikin & Monolog - Remnant
logo loops -
Soyrizo Animated short film
Video collage and animation in this short based off of the eponymous zine by Derek Holguin
Soyrizo Deepfried Soyrizo: Deepfried Extended Cut
Prolaps - Ultra Cycle Pt. 1: Vernal Birth Prolaps - Ultra Cycle Pt. 1: Vernal Birth
Videomix - Aura T-09 Videomix - Aura T-09